Training Project Management Rumah Sakit Bersertifikasi Internasional dari ” American Project Management “


Training Project Management Rumah Sakit- This workshop will offer an overview and implementation of Project Management. The course is designed is based on the perspective of improving project delivery, which is one metric of a Project Management success; and practically it is an important measure. The industry  that have implemented  Project Management need to ensure the Project Management is providing expected results, and adding value to the business. This course will provide strategies and tactics to enable process improvement for a currently established project management procedure in the organization executing projects.The workshop shall provide the capabilities to the participants in determining how best to use the Project Management methodology for organization advantage, and how to develop and use a competency model for project professionals involving in the projects.

Discover methods to implement the typical project management and the specific functions which should be performed as related to project implementation.Assess the maturity of your project management team and recognize its contribution to professional responsibility in project management.The workshop is built around a series of consecutive structured lectures, class exercises, and class discussions with the perspectives of project management. The scope of the course includes discussion of the components of the Project Management Knowledge including: Recognize critical characteristics of a PM team to foster organizational success in implementing the projects , prevent runaway projects, conduct a project audit , perform a competency analysis, identify key roles and responsibilities in project implementation, prepare a Project Charter, conduct an project  implementation assessment, establish metrics for gauging and monitoring performance, develop a project  implementation plan, use the  project management best practices to promote professional responsibility as related information technology projects.


At  the completion of the course participants shall benefit from the course such as:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the Project Management Knowledge a well designed in the  project implementation methodology, and effectively shall  have the capability to effectively implement the knowledge
  • Understand the challenges which will be  faced during   construction and project implementation, and how to address them effectively and efficiently
  • Learn how to evaluate key metrics of success during the project life cycle, and how to improve project results  performance
  • Gain thorough understanding and capability in:
    • Defining business requirement
    • Defining functional specifications
    • Defining test script and application test
  • Learn techniques to manage project portfolios more effectively
  • `Improve  risk management strategies and tactics for addressing risk within the cycle of  project processes such as: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control, and completion (closure)
  • Learn how best practices in project management are implemented, and which of the strategies and tactics may be right for participants from specific organization


Senior and Middle Project Managers with responsibility for the project execution, and Project Management team including Methodology and Functional Experts, Project Managers, and Project Coordinators. Managers wishing to increase or update their knowledge of project management methodology functions and processes. Others with an interest in improving project management results within their organizations, and who would benefit from an understanding of the project management knowledge as related to project implementation. Direct involvement in a particular project, either as a project manager or as a staff member, then this training becomes a recommended prerequisite


The perspectives and overview of   Project Management (PM) and PMBOK as Best Practice.

This part of the course shall describe the framework of Project Management (PM), and the operational needs of PM such as:

  • Increased importance of the PM to organizations, and Definitions of  PM
  • Categories of PM functions
  • To raise ability to apply Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and network development
  • To raise ability to apply methodology to obtain such as:
  • To train ability to identify potential problems and avoid them using troubleshooting techniques
  • To escalate capability to track projects more effectively
  •  To have proficiency in generating  status reports that show top management where budgeting, scheduling and manpower trends are headed Effectively
  • To have capability in handling difficult personality clashes cope with tight schedules take on a real leadership role in the  department
  • Knowledge Areas in Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK)
    • Defining business requirement
    • Defining functional specifications
    • Defining test script and application test
  • Core Functional Knowledge Area in PMBOK and Facilitating Functions in PMBOK
The  application of  Project Management Best Practices  to Enhance Project Performance:

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